Category Archives: Video

The Bible is An African Story: Let’s Examine The Scriptures-Part 1

Did you know the Bible is the book of Africa and most of the personalities in it are Africans, even the son of the Most High? The Bible as it is today has been seriously whitewashed. The white man became interested of our story and therefore for them to own it, they had to change […]

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Muduya recipe: Traditional Luhya bean stew delicacy in 3 easy steps

A luhya’s love of engoho is a well known, well chewed on, well satirized affair. But less known is muduya’s place among Maragoli traditional foods. Let me put it this way. Growing up, it’s only ingokho and muduya that was shared among brothers. How to make muduya Muduya is a bean stew delicacy that’s treasured among […]

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A new way of breeding seems to be on the cards in the strange ideals of the rather disturbing international organizations.

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What Next in The Great Reset Agenda?

We can only assume that Johnson is having his knuckles rapped for giving the UK too many freedoms over the summer months.

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I Will Guide My Family By God’s Grace.

I have already made my decision as a father. You don’t have to ask who will guide my family because by God’s grace I will.

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A.I Invasion and End Time Prophecy. Are You Ready?

A lot people may not be too familiar with A.I yet they need to be equipped on it, because it is permeating every aspect of our lives.

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Celebrating The “Flattened Curve” Life Goes On!

There has been a lot of talks, conspiracies and theories on where our world is heading and most importantly POST-COVID if such a thing exists. In the beginning of this pandemic, I wrote an article Is Corona Virus a Decoy of New World Order? I made it clear that as much Coronavirus is real virus […]

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2012 Olympic Ceremony-Satanic Ritual!

2012 Olympic Ceremony was a Satanic ritual celebrating the death of humanity from a disease.

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David Wilkerson – Get Ready For The End Of All Things!

“When I was a boy the cry of the church was, “Jesus is coming!” All through my teenage years, every evangelist who came to preach in my father’s church had a stirring message about the soon return of Christ. Even today their sermons remain burned in my memory: “The Bible says Christ will come like a thief in the night, when you least expect him. It will happen in the twinkling of an eye, with the sound of a trumpet. You must be ready at all times.” The powerful cry, “Jesus is coming!” is seldom heard in God’s house today. Very few Christians live with a sense of expectancy, looking and yearning for Jesus’ return.

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