- David Kedode
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- Tags: Africa, Bible, Scriptures, Youtube
The Bible is An African Story: Let’s Examine The Scriptures-Part 1
Did you know the Bible is the book of Africa and most of the personalities in it are Africans, even the son of the Most High? The Bible as it is today has been seriously whitewashed. The white man became interested of our story and therefore for them to own it, they had to change everything in it to make the story theirs, the reason why they had to translate the original scrolls in English. The sad part is, many of the books and verses were removed in order to fit a particular narrative
Therefore today, we are looking for Africans in the Bible, instead of looking for the white person. That’s the misnomer we are finding ourselves in. I hope as we go through this discussion we will understand who we really are. My reference point was the Bible.

Ecclesiastes 12:13, Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.