Author: David Kedode

Is There Hope For a Backslider?

Every Christian must examine his or her life on a regular basis for the warning signs of backsliding. No one is immune.

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Isiolo/Samburu Border Attack

Armed Bandits attack police along Isiolo/Samburu border; shoot officer dead, steal two rifles and over 50 rounds of ammunition.

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Glowing Despite of The Darkness

With every world catastrophe, the power that be have presented the people with a way out. A way to save them from their troubles and  misery, but it always come with a price. The resignation of some of our rights. Yet through history, the people have gladly accepted the solutions placed before them, as the alternative that was carefully crafted against them was much worse.

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Is It Wrong To Have A Tattoo?

Anyone getting a tattoo really needs to ask themselves, why am I getting this and what is the meaning of this tattoo?

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My Prayers To Fathers 2022 Going Forward

Be careful of what you entertain, sin fascinates before it assassinates.

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My Random Thoughts on Lust, Sexuality & LBGQT

“When resource is disconnected from the source, it’s not the source that suffers but the resource.”

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Six Christians Killed in Kenya Terrorist Attack

“We are saddened that six Christians have lost their lives and left their families, and the entire body of Christ is hurting.

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A Violin Maestro In The Making

His dream is to play with Nairobi Philharmonic Orchestra  and maybe London Orchestra . He wish to inspire many people especially youths  through music.

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