Author: David Kedode

The Heart is Sinful and Desperately Wicked in Need of a Savior

We’ve exchanged shame and morals for wokeness in this generation, the kind of things that we are proud of in this generation would even make demons ashamed.

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Remember, narrow is the gate that leads to Heaven! These Christians in name only do not consider Jesus as being perfect.

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Is Pornography Destroying Your Marriage? There’s Hope

If porn is involved anywhere in your marriage (with you, your spouse, or even both of you), then there is no “happily ever after.”

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For Better and For Worse, Till Death Do As Part

Truth is, no relationship comes with a lifetime guarantee. Even men and women who grew up in stable homes are at risk.

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The ‘Seven Mountains’ conspiracy

It’s up to believers to change this, they argue, by seizing control of key institutions. Some evangelical movements believe this is demanded by prophecy.

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What Is Your Story? To Tell The old, old story of Jesus’ Love.

Just tell your story, people will connect with it if it’s real. Keep it simple, and let the focus shift from your life to God’s grace.

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The New World Religion Is Here Saints. Are You Ready!

And Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and life, no one comes to the father but through me.”

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“These are the beginning of birth pangs. Are You Ready?”

I believe with all my heart that God is seeking to remind us of our holy commission, which is the Great Commission.

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Welcome To 2021-The Beginning of Great Reset!

“Forces and pressures that were pushing us into crisis over the social contract are now exacerbated……The world is coming apart, dangerously, in terms of global institutions and leadership.”

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Parents Are The Single Greatest Influence on Children~Ariel Kalil

You cannot fall asleep on the wheel only to wake up one day and realize that your job has no eternal value but the souls of your children do.

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