- David Kedode
- Tags: Bantu, Maragoli Language, Vihiga
The Twelve Months of The Year in Maragoli
Maragoli people have names for the months in their language. As you’ll see, these names often correspond with the seasons and natural events of the year.
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- David Kedode
- Tags: Bantu, Bantu People, Clans, Diaspora, Kenya, Maragoli, Tanzania, Uganda, Vihiga
Maragoli Clans-Know Your Clan
Mulogoli had a wife called Khaliyesa. She had four male children, Mmavi, Mkirima, Mkizungu and Msari. These four make up the four major clans.
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- David Kedode
- 1 Comment
- Tags: Bantu Culture, Diaspora, Luhya, Maragoli, Maragoli names, Naming, Tanzania, Uganda, Vihiga
Maragoli Names and Meaning
Maragoli personal name formation is semantically motivated. A sizeable number of Maragoli names have meaning: For example: Ilamenya: literally means-inhabitant/stay/live, Bwosi: means “all” in Kiswahili it means “wote”, Mwiruki: means one who runs away. Other Maragoli names originated from man-made as well as natural phenomena such as famine, poverty, wars, seasons, social activities, political activities, […]
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