- David Kedode
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- Tags: Amaze.org, Children, Demons, Pornography, Satanic Temple, Sex Education, Youtube
Is This Sex Education or Sexual Pervasion?
Someone called my attention to a very, very nauseating channel on YouTube and it’s for Children. Very embarrassing. You see the devil has really come out, anyone waiting for the devil to come out is wasting time because he is already here. This channel is teaching and encouraging children to masturbate and watch pornography.
There’s no limit on how many times you can masturbate in a day, says a child Education Portal. They’re telling your children to do as many times as they can. Where is the YouTube restriction, by the way this Amaze has partnered with a lot of African countries and what they are doing to our children is that they are indoctrinating our children. Masturbation is the worst thing that can happen to anybody.
Our children are battling with stuff everyday, you wonder why at the age of seven, eight they know about sex more that even their parents? Think about that. It’s so painful, that here is where we are now, this the world we are living now. It’s a serious warfare and this warfare is on our children-the devil has declared war on our children. From the school burning, to cult practices in schools. The devil hates the fact that these children are still innocent and the enemy is out to destroy the moral, the psychological, mental, spiritual even physically.
There’s something I heard from some Indian Guru, he said, “the moment you masturbate, you release some energy-life energy.” Ideally, any semen discharge comes with life. Someone told me if you look at someone who is ejaculating, you will see him shaking because life is coming out of them, same applies when someone is dying, there’s a bit of shaking because life is coming out. In the next 10-15 years later, we will have people who cannot conceive, why, this demon is being introduced to our children as early as now by the time they are adults they will be wasted. We can see this happening in the west-low sperm count.
You need to put the shield of protection over your family and your children and then you need to take it a notch higher, begin to pry into your children’s privacy, begin to look what they’re looking at, visit their schools and get to know what your kids are being taught, take action. 99% of what you hare them calling sex education is actually sexual pervasion or indoctrination. What you just saw is like giving our children a rope to hang themselves.
Is It Normal To Watch Porn
So on your screen, you can see the church of Satan has taken charge just like Alice Bailey instructed them in the Satanic 10 Point Plan To Destroy Christianity. Now listen this content is meant for Children- profanity. This has even gone beyond subliminal message. They’re no longer hiding the sexualization of our children which they are hiding under Comprehensive Sexual Education. Ladies and gentlemen, Amaze is a branch of Satanic temple. If your child is in a school using almost similar materials and you’re allowing it, may God have mercy on you. this is pornography for kids-sexualization of our children before our very own eyes.
Pornography in broad day light being shown to our children. They want to prepare them on what they’re not mature enough for and that’s what makes our kids get messed in their minds. We got to rise up parents and stop these nonsense. Unfortunately the church is not even near there to stop this nonsense. I have never been this disturbed in my whole life, but after going through these stuff and really feel bad for my children and all these are on YouTube. That’s why children are buried into sexual immorality.
As I said on my previous article, it’s not easy but I believe with the help of God, he will supply the Grace to you, to me so that we may be able to preserve these children. God loves kids, he loves them, that’s why the devil hates them. God Loves these kids and he is going to ask all of us questions how we took care of them at the judgement seat. May God not find you wanting and may he give you the grace to be a better parent or guardian to your children.
Ladies and gentlemen, someone will raise and train your children. Children cannot raise themselves. It is up to you to decide whether you, your TV, house helps, will raise them. But of this one thing be sure: we do not own any of our children; we are stewards, and we will be accountable to God for our role in their lives~ZionPearl
For more information check this link: Amaze.org. Kindly share this information widely as you may save a child somewhere. God bless you!