- David Kedode
- Tags: #CoronaVirus, #Covid19, #Globalization, #God, #JesusChrist, #NewWorldOrder, #Preparedness, #Repent, #Survival, mountainwomanradio, trayerwilderness
Is Coronavirus A Decoy For The New World Order?
Praise God, you who is reading this article, I know it’s long but this should be an eye opening for us. But before we read, let’s pray: “Our Father in Heaven we thank you for this season, thank you for bringing us into this season to see the fulfilment of your word, as my readers read this article, let it inspire and open their eyes. I bless you, for it’s in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
Today, our world is faced with an unprecedented crisis. What started out as fear over the Coronavirus has turned into a power grab by the world’s nations and organizations. In order to understand the dilemma we face, we must understand how we arrived at this point in world history.
Before we proceed, I want to make this clear that Coronavirus is a real virus that has killed people and it’s still killing though it’s kill rate for those infected by it is 2% and that’s why we have referred to this as a manufactured crisis. It should also be noted that this is not about one nation making a power play over another, this is about globalization.
As we begin this critical discussion, I want you to understand everything I will outline documents and explains coordinated global efforts. I guarantee you, as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, our nation and world will forever change. In the very least, we will see further erosion of our freedoms and rights. In order to understand this, we must understand historical events to make sense of today.
While the League of Nations was formed after the World War 1, it was not until the mid-1940s that globalism truly began to rear its ugly head. The League of Nations gave rise to the United Nations, and just months before, a new financial system was established, known as the Bretton Woods Agreement and Systems. This new system was designed to“promote international trade and development” and brought us the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. While Bretton Woods was dissolved, the system it established lived on.
This is important to understand, a world crisis gave rise to a completely new global financial order that forever changed the world. Of course, these new global entities were funded by the nations of the world, with the United States providing 30% of their annual budgets.
We should note, since the founding of these and other global organizations, there has never been another World War. Further, the main conflicts we have witnessed have been against nations that have not complied with the new financial order that was established back in the mid-1940s.
Summary: History has proven, people will accept just about anything for a perceived peace. They will accept new financial systems and much more if they perceive the alternative will negatively affect them.
On this date, 09/11/2001 the nation and world forever changed. That morning, terrorists hijacked airliners and crashed them into the Twin Towers in New York, or so the official story explained. This event became the catalyst for the “War on Terrorism” and the massive expansion of the U.S. Government which diminished the rights of the people.
Americans easily conceded to new sweeping regulations all in the name of peace and safety. The other nations of the world quickly followed suit, and also eroded the rights of their own citizens as the nations quickly launched the surveillance state. This led to the infamous wiretapping program that we all came to know about, but shamefully cared little for. Why? We were told it was a necessary evil to protect our freedoms from the terrorists. Unfortunately, we willingly gave up our freedoms in the name of peace and safety, something Benjamin Franklin warned us of…They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
After the attacks on 9/11, the U.S. Government launched an invasion on Afghanistan rallying a nation. Shortly after, Saddam Hussein of Iraq was deemed an enemy of America and was attacked and removed from power.
You see, Iraq and Afghanistan were not a part of the global financial order established in the 1940s. Therefore, the globalists were consolidating power around the globe and using the most awesome world power that has ever existed. American’s were being fooled while being blanketed in Patriotism of the Red, White and Blue banner.
The War on Terror transformed into a humanitarian war, when a manufactured civil war broke out in Syria. The roots of humanitarian intervention come from globalist George Soros, and the U.S. essentially spearheaded the project. Over the years reports surfaced the U.S. was funding the “rebels” in Syria, other reports would explain there were no “rebels” in Syria, only terrorists seeking to remove Syria’s President Basher Assad from power.
Around the same time, Libya suddenly had their own problems and Muamar Gaddafi was killed by “rebel” terrorists. Interestingly enough, Gaddafi was seeking to establish a new currency for a good portion of Africa based on gold. He was attempting to buck the globalist trend. Yes, you guessed it. Libya and Syria were not playing with the global powers established in the mid-1940s, and they had to be dealt with.
While Syria’s Assad still clings to power, his nation is in utter chaos. Chaos that led to millions of refugees finding a new home in Europe, forever changing the continent by mixing Christians and Muslims in a massive culture clash.
Summary: The goal all along was to remove leaders from power in nations who were not apart of the globalist agenda. In the end, these wars would simply be a stepping stone to Iran, better said, it would define Which Path to Persia…
That now brings us to the present, the current global financial crisis that has been thrust upon the world over the Coronavirus. A virus that has only killed 21,191 people globally as of this writing. To put that in perspective, every year globally 61,000 people die from seasonal flu according to the Center for Disease Control. I hope you are scratching your head, you should be. The response we are seeing from governments and organizations across the world is not proportionate to the Coronavirus threat. Despite these simple facts, less than two weeks ago the World Health Organization (founded: 1948) categorized the Coronavirus is a world Pandemic. Global financial markets instantly began to collapse. From there the mainstream media along with the nations of the world created even more panic, as if our leaders were replaced with children, (Isaiah 3:4).
No efforts have been made to calm the public, only scare them and explain they should wash their hands to avoid being infected with the Coronavirus. The same advice Mom has been giving us since we were born.
We have all read the headlines. Italy, France, Spain, Britain, Canada, India, Rwanda, Uganda, Senegal, SouthAfrica and now Britain have locked down their nations removing the rights of their people. All in the name of peace and safety to protect us from this “hidden enemy”.
This has caused global financial markets to fall further. Central Banks around the world stepped in by pumping trillions of dollars into the financial system. The Coronavirus has simply been the catalyst used to move a collapse further.
As the days grew on, so did the level of panic world governments caused. The U.S Government and world drilled phrases into our mind like “social distancing”, a line and scenario they stole from the movie “Contagion”. Globally, schools, restaurants and other businesses have been shuttered, as if it was a designed chain reaction. The U.S. Government has already passed a bailout package to save Americans from the mass panic they have created, with more bailouts on the way. In Kenya, the President yesterday gave a raft of points to secure the economy and the vulnerable. President of Kenya Address, Canada yesterday did the same thing: Canada Prime Minister. This script is being used worldwide was it planned? More troubling.
Summary: Yes, the Coronavirus is real, yet its 2% kill rate does not warrant locking down the world.
There can be no doubt, we have arrived at a pivotal moment in world history, one that will forever change the course of the world.
We could very well be experiencing a carefully choreographed soft collapse of the global financial system. This could not come at a more opportune time, like a good designed plan. The nations of the world, corporations, and people are in record debt. It would appear, everyone is being set up for a great fall, a fall that could be so great the world will need an economic reset…
The precedent for what we now face was set in 2008, when the whole world was bailed out. Yet, Central Bankers said, there would be little they could do to save us from a future crisis, a crisis that is now unfolding.
As we have explained, with every world catastrophe, the powers that be have presented the people with a way out. A way to save them from their troubles and misery, but it always comes with a price. The resignation of some of our rights. Yet, through history, the people have gladly accepted the solutions placed before them, as the alternative that was carefully crafted against them was much worse.
It is only reasonable to consider, the master planners have decided the global financial system initiated 75 years ago has run its course, and they are ready for a new financial system they will have more control over. A financial system that will more closely unify the globe. We just may have an agenda unfolding against the people of the world. An agenda brought forward by Satan’s Children at the highest levels, which trickle down, and are executed by our foolish leaders.
A word of encouragement, do not panic but prepare. This thing is yet to end. For those who want to get quick lessons on preparedness, simple living, survival, kindly visit www.trayerwilderness.com. Very helpful tips for such a time.
So what should we Christians do in such a time: solution number one and the only one is to pray and repent of our sins. This Pandemic will only end through God’s intervention. Going back to Calvary.
Yesterday, just going through Facebook, I saw a video prophecy and it confirmed what the spirit had put in my heart. Kindly take time and watch: VERY IMPORTANT PROPHETIC MESSAGE: WHAT IS THE LORD SAYING TO KENYA ON 24TH MARCH 2020
My friends, please continue to reach out to God and ask Him to comfort, provide, and protect you and your family, (Philippians 1:6). Some of you may not be Christian. It is not too late to turn to God, accept Him, and He will accept you, (Romans 10:9). Be strong for your family and friends, and be prepared to answer their Biblical questions, (1 Peter 3:15). Find answers if you do not have them, we will help you through God’s Grace. Whatever it is that we face, we certainly will need God’s spiritual guidance to protect us through the storm ahead.
Shalom and God Bless!
Amen and Amen. We are setting our eyes to the Lord. Be blessed my brother and your family.
Another trend in globalised is that of numbers, everything now is about numbers in USA its Social Security number in Europe its National Healthcare Service, in our country Kenya, it’s ‘Huduma number. They are what we are calling Artificial intelligence.
On Corona virus they have removed handling of cash, we are advised to use electronic money. Who would have thought our beloved Mpesa will be study at Ivy League and be pioneered as global solution as alternative to cash. It is so much integrated into financial institutions that once fought it.-
Exactly. The problem is Mike, no one is seeing this thing. And it’s going to come with very stringent measures that Nations will not be happy with. BREAKING: *U.S. JOBLESS CLAIMS SURGED LAST WEEK TO RECORD 3.283 MLN https://trib.al/8QwAvX4 Come Lord Jesus.
Very Informative article
God bless you my sister and stay safe.
Come to think of that.. Never saw that coming though very clear in current history that I know.. May Almighty God take us through and enlighten our blinded ‘fellow kenyans’ as the saying goes ‘we lack knowledge’ thenks Davy.. Be in front line to enlighten us..
God bless you my brother. The prophecies are unfolding in our eyes as we speak.
Thank you for the writerup.May God continue to hear our prayers always.I blessed and let us know that there is no beauty on Earth other than that which is given by the Lord.As well,the work of our hands is nothing unless it is established by God.