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Dear Parents Cover Your Children In Prayers-The Portals are Open

Schools are opening next week and as a parent, I understand the pressure you’re going through as you prepare your Children for the term. However, as you move around doing shopping and sourcing for school fees, remember to cover your Children with prayers. This Gentile year unlike others, the devil has decided that this should be his year and he is targeting our Children. A few weeks ago I shared an article 2022 Fifa World Cup Rituals and how the portals were officially opened.

To understand better on portals, listen to this nine minutes video of Pastor Charles Lawson on the subject CERN and how it will affect and open portals that will destroy the universe.

In June 6th 2022, The CERN was officially switched on, and boom everything has gone bassark, the target is our children.

The Bible says in the book of 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Proverbs 22:6 the Bible says, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. As we send them to school from Monday, pray for them to be vigilant, that the enemy the devil who is walking around seeking may not devour them.

This is what USA Today, tweeted but went ahead to delete it.

“We need to destigmatize pedophilia.” That’s the new agenda publications like Vice are now pushing. And while they do, pedophile activists seek to normalize their desires on social media. If you’re not shocked, you’re not paying attention.

Homa Bay Town MP Peter Kaluma has continued his onslaught on the LGBTQ community. On Thursday, Kaluma said there was no human right allowing one be gay. This was after the Gay activist cum fashionista was found murdered.

This is where our world is, pray for your children as much as you can.

His Parents knew him as a Pastor but the world knew him as a gay activist.

Finally parents, when you start seeing your son cross-dressing, start praying for him all might not be well. Here is another young man who either he has already sold his soul or he is in the process. One Twitter user tweeted: Kinuthia this is totally unacceptable. Stop doing this to please the white man. This is sick ! This is stupid. 

Finally, “LGBTQ+ will soon include pedophilia and bestiality. You were warned long ago. The target is and has always been CHILDREN. The devil knows better than some Christians that you must train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Wake up.”~Zion Pearl

Parents, it’s our duty to guide our children. It doesn’t matter how far your children have gone but you can start from somewhere. By the way, the enemy is targeting both boys and girls. As you prepare them to go to school, please pray and pray for them.


David Kedode

David is a husband to a loving wife-Dinah, a father of two, Daniella and Darian and above all, a born-again Christian. David is currently working at TNR Trust as the Administrator and a part time Virtual Assistant at as a Virtual Assistant and also as a contributing author at I'm a Born again Christian mostly interested in the youths. My hobbies include: Playing soccer, cooking, reading and travelling. I also manages my a blog where I write about issues relating to our youths, and general family matters.

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