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Unravelling the Web of Propaganda: The Kenyan Regime’s Struggle for Credibility


Propaganda, a weapon that has been wielded throughout history to manipulate and control public opinion, is once again raising its head in Kenya. As echoes of the past resonate, parallels can be drawn between the infamous Joseph Goebbels, the mastermind behind Nazi propaganda, and Dennis Itumbi, the alleged purveyor of deceptive narratives for the current Kenyan regime. This article seeks to shed light on the rising tide of propaganda, its impact on governance, and the disillusionment of the Kenyan citizens facing a reality far removed from the government’s proclamations.

The Propagandist and His Army:

Dennis Itumbi, often likened to Joseph Goebbels, has allegedly been the architect of the Kenyan regime’s propaganda machinery. Employing tactics reminiscent of the past, Itumbi has seemingly mastered the art of manipulation by making falsehoods appear as truth. His “Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil” approach (HNIB) serves as a veil, selectively choosing information to propagate and shielding any undesirable truths from public view.

To amplify the impact of his propaganda, Itumbi has mobilized a battalion of Twitter “soldiers” who spread his carefully crafted messages far and wide. The army of paid social media operatives has been crucial in disseminating the regime’s narratives and silencing any dissenting voices, drowning out genuine concerns from the Kenyan citizens.

Reality vs. Perception:

As the regime continues to paint a rosy picture of their governance using elaborate propaganda, the gap between perception and reality widens. The true state of the nation remains hidden behind a facade of manipulated data and manufactured stories. However, as the Ghanaian Vice President rightly warned, such an approach is unsustainable in the long run. The currency of credibility can only be maintained through tangible actions and genuine results.

The Forex Factor:

The Ghanaian Vice President warning about the forex value applies equally to Kenya. A government built on a foundation of propaganda is akin to a house of cards, vulnerable to collapse when the true state of affairs is revealed. The international community and investors scrutinize a country’s stability and transparency. A web of deceit can lead to loss of trust, impacting foreign investments and foreign exchange rates, ultimately affecting the economy’s stability.

The Disconnect with the Citizenry:

The impact of the regime’s propaganda is most acutely felt among Kenyan citizens. As the government continues to spin tales of prosperity and progress, the everyday realities faced by ordinary people often tell a different story. Issues such as unemployment, inflation, and inadequate public services cannot be concealed forever. The growing sense of disillusionment among the masses is a clear sign that propaganda alone cannot sustain a government’s legitimacy.


The echoes of history reverberate through the current Kenyan regime’s propaganda machinery. Drawing parallels to Joseph Goebbels’ strategy, Dennis Itumbi appears to have mastered the art of manipulating public perception. However, the Ghanaian Vice President warning serves as a crucial reminder that governance built on lies and deception is bound to falter eventually. The disconnect between the regime’s propaganda and the citizens’ realities highlights the fragility of such tactics.

In the quest for sustainable governance, transparency, accountability, and genuine progress must replace the smokescreen of propaganda. Only then can Kenya hope to regain the trust of its citizens and the international community, fostering a path of true development and prosperity for the nation.

David Kedode

David is a husband to a loving wife-Dinah, a father of two, Daniella and Darian and above all, a born-again Christian. David is currently working at TNR Trust as the Administrator and a part time Virtual Assistant at as a Virtual Assistant and also as a contributing author at I'm a Born again Christian mostly interested in the youths. My hobbies include: Playing soccer, cooking, reading and travelling. I also manages my a blog where I write about issues relating to our youths, and general family matters.

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