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The New World Religion Is Here Saints. Are You Ready!

“Lord,” said Thomas, “we do not know where You are going, so how can we knowthe way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you had known Me, you would know My Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”…

Steve Harvey in his latest tour in Dubai shocked the world when he said the following, “There is no one one way to heaven, no one way to paradise. It’s like television, now it’s over 800 channels of cable, and they’re all pretty entertaining. So I’m pretty sure man, that to get to heaven, there’s got to be more than one route because somebody watching another channel or taking another channel than you, they still getting entertained, and they probably still getting to heaven.”

Wow! They’re probably getting entertained and they’re probably getting to heaven. Steve Harvey says there’s no one way to heaven or no one way to paradise. Am I surprised? No, I’m not. I mean, I’ve been talking about this for the longest time. It’s here now. A renowned man of God, Joseph Okechukwu once had a heated argument with Steve at Howard University some time back, when he was talking about language, that Africa has one language and stuff. Listening to that argument, you will realize how so little Steve knows about so many things. Steve is very intelligent man with lots of knowledge but he is again extremely ignorant of very many things and I think his argument of having many ways to go to heaven is one of them.

So a few days ago, Steve Harvey went on social media and he sent out this message, which actually got him in trouble particularly from Christians. We need to remember, Steve identifies himself as a Christian. So he said, there are many ways to serve God and keep your faith. While my trip to the Emirates always reminds me how we can live in harmony, and in the much needed peace we operate globally. Remember, the Bible says, I am the way, the truth and life, no one comes to the father but through me. How can he then turn around and says there are many ways to heaven? Children of God, what Steve said was not out of innocence but a strategy. this is all about a massive global prepping of humanity to accept the infamous “One World Religion” which is going to be a religion of the Antichrist Big time Revelation 13. The two beasts of revelation one is going to be in charge of the Global Government, One World Government which has been completed and already in operation. When you hear about Global Reset  and global whatever, whatever that’s one world government. They’re the ones trying to use this COVID thing to actually change the whole world and enslave everybody, so that is already done.

So the next one that comes after it, is now one world religion, which of course our Pope has been fighting and working for it. Remember Pope Francis Makes Historic Visit To Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque his efforts are now beginning to pay off. So I’m going to tell you right now, I don’t mean to scare anybody, but I’m going to tell you things are never going to get any better than it is now. Steve Harvey would not be the last person, the last known person, the last celebrity, or prominent individual who is going to come out, you know how the gay people say, I came out, or maybe coming out, Steve is not going to be the only one who is going to come out to actually throw out some type of massive PR stands for this one world religion thing. It is ongoing right now that is global you’re going to see more like Steve coming out. And then endorse this one world religion thing that we have been speaking about for so many years, it is here on us now. Why I am saying Steve will not be the last, is because he is not the first, remember Oprah did it Many years ago.

Oprah Winfrey, the queen of talk show. That was many, many, years ago, I guess the first time she actually went public, with her belief system. And with her idea that there was not just one way to God. That a person’s generosity and kindness, can bring them there. They can call it light for whatever they want when they get there. But it means that you don’t just necessarily have to go through Christ. As you said he couldn’t possibly be just one way to God. Thank God for the kind of people she had in the audience who stood up for what is right and challenged her. And then I will take it from you know, there was Oprah’s first coming out, just the way Steve Harvey came out.

This is New Age Theology-Movement,  where the foundation of the New World Religion is build upon. Because the one world religion is built around the new age theology, believing in Christ is an assault on the person who doesn’t believe in Christ as they believe what they believe will take them to heaven and not through Christ as the scriptures says. If my Christ of the Bible says he is the only way to God in heaven, I can only say that, if you want to come to the heaven, where the God of the Bible is, you have to go through the Christ of the Bible. It’s as simple as that. I don’t care what religion you have. We will counter every lie and wake up the body of Christ. We know you send so many of them into a deep slumber, but we will wake them up because our God is not dead yet.

So you see what I’m telling you, Steve Harvey is not going to be the last one. He’s not even among the first. He’s one of the late ones and there are many, many more like him who have been made wealthy, by the globalists, by Hollywood and all the globalist entities who are still going to come out to voice their support for one world religion because that’s where we are now. Literally, nothing can stop that. You can even pray to stop it but that’s where we are.

Remember, when the pope went to the Emirates, and there was a mosque that was named after Mary, the mother of Jesus and they actually wrote it on the mosque. Even Steve Harvey, in defending his position, cited that incident, “Can you imagine a mosque with the name Jesus on it? Yeah, the world could use a little bit more that when I named my youngest son, and I gave him the name Ali, I’d never really understood exactly what I was doing. I had a feeling about it. But now when I look at this name right here, and it says, Mary, the mother of Jesus mosque comes it gives me a little bit more deep understanding maybe was something I didn’t quite know at the time. But now it’s starting to make a whole lot more sense..”-Steve Harvey.

Let me now show you something else that Oprah did, because now we’ve heard too much of her talking about how she believes that there many ways to go to heaven. She now goes a notch higher and decided to speak to the most popular televangelist in the world, by the name Joel Osteen.

Joe Austin also believe that Jesus is the way to the One God but there are many paths to Jesus. Where are the many paths to Jesus, I want to know? I wish he had allowed Pastor Joel Osteen to explain to us what those many paths to Jesus are. He was trying to give a very smart answer to that sensitive question. A question that should be answered an apologetically, straightforwardly. That there’s one way it’s written in the Scripture. There are no many paths to Christ, there might be many experiences, how you encounter him, but that’s not what he’s talking about. I don’t have any problem with Joe Lawson. I like him as a person. But it’s time and that the time has come for Christians to start hitting the nail on the head, straight answer straight cut. Don’t try to appeal to anybody, don’t try to please anybody.

The fact that you have a lot of homosexuals in your church does not make it right. Even he himself admits that the Bible says, a homosexual who gives his life to Jesus Christ will go to heaven but if you’re still living in that sin, you cannot go to heaven. We need to start breaking this thing down and stop confusing people who don’t know too much about the scriptures. You cannot live in homosexuality and tell me you’re going to heaven, you are a liar.

You have to turn from your wicked ways and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior. People in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah tried to do these things, they tried to change the scriptures, they tried to change the narrative but He (God) did not save them. The fire still came and burn down the city and the sinful people that overwhelmed it. That’s simple, God has not changed. He is still the same God yesterday, today and forever. His principles never change. We need to have the fear of God. All of these is pushing us gradually towards one world religion. And to prove to you that this is the time of the one world religion, watch this video and listen very keenly.  This was before Joe Biden was inaugurated as President.


This was a clear sign that your one world religion is now born on the global stage. So almost everything you’re going to see from now on, is going to reflect this massive PR stunt that they are going to launch globally, to actually convince the whole world into buying this lie that the one world religion is what we should be embracing at this time. Another prayer same as the above was made during Joe Biden’s inauguration

Philippians 2:10-11, the Bible says, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” So who or what is collective faith? Where does it reside? Where is the address of collective faith? What does collective faith look like? Just so that they do not mention the name of Christ because the whole attack is on the Son of God. The  whole path began with a common road between us and you, and then removing the name, Yeshua, or Jesus Christ, from every single discussion that has to do with a one word religion, because he has been the major, major stumbling block to the formation of the one word religious. So the moment we can delete him, remove him from the equation, then then leave whatever you call god there. So everybody can come under that umbrella, they remove Christ, then everybody is going to be okay. You see.

When he says collective faith, you notice that the guy who prayed to open the 117th Congress prayed in the name of all those collective faiths and mentioned the ones who mentioned and he now said collective faith. This is our word right now. In case you’re still sleeping, you better wake up. From my heart I appeal to you to wake up, like for real wake up. This is not going to go the way many people who are very lackadaisical think it’s going to go this is going to go very badly. Christians are grossly ill prepared for what is coming, I know that for a fact. Look, we hear now. We’re not going back. One world religion. Money is being poured now, the media is activated with this narrative and already the so called men of cloth are ready to bring it to your door step.

We all need to go back to the Bible. Begin to read your Bible with your family. Read it to yourself, read it in your study groups, read your Bible. Remember, One World Religion is the religion of the Anti-Christ. Wake Up!

Let’s Pray: Heavenly Father a beautiful sight of the must be endless wisdom, boundless love and awesome purity. One day we will stand before you and Lord I have absolutely no doubt will be silent with everything about you will transcend anything we could say. Thank you anyone who will take time to read this article. If anyone is running in the opposite direction stop them with your loving hands and turn them around. Lord I ask you for your understanding and wisdom in this time we are living, no one has ever lived in such a time, but Lord we need you, thank you for your son Jesus Christ and for saving us, in Jesus name I pray, Amen. God Bless.

David Kedode

David is a husband to a loving wife-Dinah, a father of two, Daniella and Darian and above all, a born-again Christian. David is currently working at TNR Trust as the Administrator and a part time Virtual Assistant at as a Virtual Assistant and also as a contributing author at I'm a Born again Christian mostly interested in the youths. My hobbies include: Playing soccer, cooking, reading and travelling. I also manages my a blog where I write about issues relating to our youths, and general family matters.

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