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The Kenyan Leadership and The Need for True Prophets

In the ever-changing landscape of politics, Kenya finds itself at a crossroads where leadership and governance have become a matter of concern for its citizens. The current state of affairs has drawn comparisons to ancient scriptures, such as Isaiah 3:4, which warns of the consequences of ill-suited leadership. As we reflect on Kenya’s current situation, it becomes apparent that the country needs true prophets, honest advisors, and a leader who can steer the nation towards prosperity and unity.

The Bible passage from Isaiah paints a grim picture of a society ruled by inexperienced leaders, leading to oppression and suffering among the people. Unfortunately, this reflection rings true for some aspects of Kenya’s current political climate. The pursuit of revenge and attacks on political opponents, including those who founded the nation, have become a concerning trend. The focus on vengeance detracts from the essential responsibilities of governance and the need to improve the lives of ordinary citizens.

Drawing parallels with King Rehoboam’s reign, where poor advisors led to the suffering of the people, we see a similar pattern in Kenya. The leadership under William Ruto bears resemblance to Rehoboam’s, with actions that exacerbate the hardships faced by the populace. Rather than addressing the nation’s challenges, the administration seems consumed by political vendetta, hindering progress and development.

It is crucial for leaders to seek counsel from wise and honest advisors, just as King Ahab needed a prophet like Elijah who would speak the truth, even if it was uncomfortable. In the same vein, William Ruto requires advisors who prioritize the welfare of the nation above personal interests. A leadership surrounded by sycophantic voices is bound to lose touch with reality and make decisions that are detrimental to the country’s future.

The dissenting voices and critics within the government are not enemies to be shunned but rather true prophets who speak the truth. Embracing opposing views and constructive criticism can lead to growth and improvement. However, silencing these voices and failing to listen to the concerns of the people will only deepen the divide and lead to further disillusionment.

Furthermore, the involvement of religious figures in politics has also been a cause for concern. Pastors and religious leaders, who once anointed the regime, have fallen silent due to disappointment in the leadership’s actions. This underscores the importance of keeping politics and religion separate and ensuring that spiritual leaders prioritize their spiritual duties rather than aligning themselves with political power.

The analogy of the “King” being naked and no one speaking up about it serves as a powerful reminder that truth and honesty are the foundations of effective leadership. A leader should be open to criticism and self-assessment, striving to improve for the greater good of the nation.

In conclusion, the current state of the Kenyan leadership, characterized by revenge, oppression, and a lack of honest advisors, is a cause for concern. Drawing lessons from ancient scriptures and historical figures, it becomes evident that Kenya needs true prophets who will speak truth to power. A leadership that listens to the concerns of the people, embraces dissenting voices, and focuses on the welfare of the nation can pave the way for a brighter and united future for Kenya.



David Kedode

David is a husband to a loving wife-Dinah, a father of two, Daniella and Darian and above all, a born-again Christian. David is currently working at TNR Trust as the Administrator and a part time Virtual Assistant at as a Virtual Assistant and also as a contributing author at I'm a Born again Christian mostly interested in the youths. My hobbies include: Playing soccer, cooking, reading and travelling. I also manages my a blog where I write about issues relating to our youths, and general family matters.

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