
6 Unforgettable Lessons on Fatherhood

“I never wondered if Jesus was the Lord of his heart and of our home.”

4 years ago

Why We Should Wait Upon the Lord!

“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles” (Isaiah 40:31).

4 years ago

Everyone Who Sins Breaks The Law; In fact, Sin is Lawlessness.

Jesus comes to restore justice through judgment.

4 years ago

Is Pornography Destroying Your Marriage? There’s Hope

If porn is involved anywhere in your marriage (with you, your spouse, or even both of you), then there is…

4 years ago

The New World Religion Is Here Saints. Are You Ready!

And Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and life, no one comes to the father but through me."

4 years ago

“These are the beginning of birth pangs. Are You Ready?”

I believe with all my heart that God is seeking to remind us of our holy commission, which is the…

4 years ago

Nothing Shall Separate Us From the Love of God

Nothing that occurs in this life has the power to separate a believer from the love of God.

5 years ago

Sex is The Bonding Agent That God Designed!

Sex is the bonding agent that God designed, to bind a man and a woman together for life. That’s why…

5 years ago

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