The Current Global Financial Meltdown and What to Expect In the coming Days!

The global financial meltdown of 2008 was a pivotal moment in the history of the global economy. The crisis was…

2 years ago

Controversy Surrounding The Origin of COVID-19-Dr. Li-Meng Yan

In recent months, there have been several reports claiming that the COVID-19 virus was deliberately released by China. The most…

2 years ago


"It is time to act or Perish" - The Urgency of Taking Action In today's fast-paced world, the pace of…

2 years ago

How Do I Know If I am Fully Vaccinated?

How Do I Know If I am Fully Vaccinated? For more information and link on how to detox from the…

2 years ago

Scientist who worked with Wuhan lab Now Admit Covid was Man-Made Virus

In his latest book, “The Truth About Wuhan,” epidemiologist Huff claimed that the pandemic was caused by the US government’s…

2 years ago


I have been called names and received e-mails from around the world on the COVID Pandemic and the vaccines, this …

2 years ago

As Israel Reopens, What Happens To The Antivaxxers Lot?

“Whoever does not get vaccinated will be left behind.”

4 years ago

No Jab, No Job: Vatican Gets Tough with COVID Anti-Vaxxers

The article in the 2011 law says employees who refuse “preventive measures” could be subjected to “varying degrees of consequences…

4 years ago

“These are the beginning of birth pangs. Are You Ready?”

I believe with all my heart that God is seeking to remind us of our holy commission, which is the…

4 years ago

Welcome To 2021-The Beginning of Great Reset!

“Forces and pressures that were pushing us into crisis over the social contract are now exacerbated……The world is coming apart,…

4 years ago

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