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Happy New Year 2024

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, let us reflect on the mosaic of experiences that 2023 presented – the joys, challenges, and unexpected turns. These festive seasons, marked by togetherness and celebration, remind us to cherish moments with loved ones and embrace a slower pace amidst the whirlwind of life.

Amidst the dichotomy of the good, the bad, and the unexpected, we’re reminded of the verse from Joel 2:25-26, where the promise of restoration echoes through the ages. The passage speaks of redemption, promising recompense for what was lost, abundance in times of scarcity, and a future free from shame. It serves as a beacon of hope, reassuring us of God’s faithfulness in the face of adversity.

As we bid farewell to 2023 and eagerly anticipate the dawn of 2024, let’s heed the call to proceed with caution and mindfulness during this festive period. Amidst the allure of revelry, let’s anchor ourselves to the values of prudence and gratitude. May the New Year be a canvas where hope colors our aspirations, resilience guides our paths, and gratitude paints our days.

May the coming year be adorned with countless blessings, abundant joy, unwavering faith, and moments that kindle a spirit of thankfulness. Wishing everyone a Blessed and Happy New Year 2024, filled with restoration, prosperity, and an unshakeable belief in the wonders that lie ahead.

David Kedode

David is a husband to a loving wife-Dinah, a father of two, Daniella and Darian and above all, a born-again Christian. David is currently working at TNR Trust as the Administrator and a part time Virtual Assistant at as a Virtual Assistant and also as a contributing author at I'm a Born again Christian mostly interested in the youths. My hobbies include: Playing soccer, cooking, reading and travelling. I also manages my a blog where I write about issues relating to our youths, and general family matters.

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