- David Kedode
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- Tags: Gen Z, Kenya, Raila Odinga, Revival William Ruto
Gen Z Movement: The True Spark of Revival
Why Revival Has Yet to Begin in Kenya
For many Christians in Kenya, the belief that Kenya is destined to be a “springboard of revival” in Africa is deeply ingrained. This prophecy has been pursued by the Kenyan church for decades. However, despite efforts to realize this vision, true revival has yet to take hold.
When William Ruto, often dubbed the “church candidate,” assumed office in August 2022, there was an evangelical surge proclaiming that revival had begun. This was bolstered by government-sponsored crusades, including the arrival of televangelist Benny Hinn. However, these surface-level actions have not addressed the deeper issues that hinder revival.
The True Essence of Revival
Revival, as understood from a Biblical perspective, involves more than just grand gestures and public prayers. According to 2 Chronicles 7:14, revival requires genuine repentance—a voluntary, organic turning back to God. It is not enough to have a national prayer day; there must be a collective and sincere cry for forgiveness. Additionally, there must be reparations for the injustices that have plagued Kenya since independence. The land disputes, corruption, and continued violence must be addressed if Kenya is to see true revival.
The Gen Z Revolution: A Spark of Divine Movement
In June and July of 2024, Kenya witnessed an unprecedented wave of courage and activism led by the Gen Z generation. Though seemingly political, this movement was a pure move of the Most High. Much like the Biblical story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, these young people refused to bow down to the idols of corruption and injustice. Unfortunately, the church failed to seize this moment as a divine opportunity for revival.
Kenyans might have lost hope when they saw Kenyan Opposition Leader Raila Odinga accepting to form a Mongrel in the name of a Broad-Based Government by the Kenya Kwanza Government after several Gen Z lost their lives through police shootings during the protests, with others abducted and still missing. But Kenyans should not lose focus. This second wave of agitation is solely driven by the Most High, and those who thought they could box in His plans concerning Kenya through the Broad-Based Government are in for a shock.
Despite this, the Gen Z revolution was just the beginning. A second phase of divine cleansing and uprooting of deep-seated foundations is on the horizon. The Most High will lead this phase, removing obstacles and exposing hidden truths. Haggai 2:6 speaks of a time when the Lord will shake the heavens, the earth, and the nations, and Kenya is on the brink of such a transformation.
Preparing for True Revival
As this divine shaking begins, Kenyans must prepare. The Most High is a righteous judge, and as He restores Kenya to its rightful place, we must ensure that our houses are in order. We should strive to live in righteousness, ready to usher in the true revival that will bring justice, economic transformation, and spiritual renewal.
This is a critical time for Kenya. The Gen Z revolution was a sign, a spark of what will come. Now, it is up to us to align ourselves with the Most High’s will, to repent genuinely, and to seek justice, so that when the revival does arrive, it finds a nation ready and worthy.