In the Maragoli community, it is considered a taboo, known as mujiru in Kimaragoli, to marry someone from your own clan or a family member. Below is a breakdown of the clans and their intermarriage rules:
1. Avamavi
Avamavi is divided into four major houses:
– Avamutembe
– Avanondi
– Avarogovo
– Avagonda
Members of these four houses cannot intermarry within their house. However, they can marry outside of their house within the Avamavi clan as follows:
– Umunondi can marry a mwifa mutembe, murogovo, or mwifa mugonda, but not a mwifa munondi.
– Umutembe can marry a mwifa murogovo, mwifa munondi, or mwifa mugonda, but not a mwifa mutembe.
– Murogovo can marry a mwifa mutembe, mwifa munondi, or mwifa mugonda, but not a mwifa murogovo.
– Umugonda can marry a mwifa mutembe, mwifa murogovo, or mwifa munondi, but not a mwifa mugonda.
Other clans that don’t intermarry include Avamuku and Vayonga. Historically, these two clans used to smear each other with mud during circumcision ceremonies, a practice known in Maragoli as Virongo, making intermarriage between them taboo.
2. Avasali
The Avasali clan also has four major houses:
– Vamageza
– Avavuzuzu
– Avakoyani
– Avasweta
Like the Avamavi, Avasali members cannot marry each other.
3. Avakirima
This clan consists of four major houses:
– Avagomba
– Avarugiri
– Avavudanya
– Avarungusia
Members of Avakirima can marry each other but only through the uncle’s sides from different houses.
4. Avakizungu
The Avakizungu clan has five major houses:
– Avadidi
– Avajisemba
– Avakayera
– Avigina
– Avariero
Like the Avamavi, members of Avakizungu cannot intermarry within the same house but can marry from the uncle’s sides of different houses.
5. Avamenge
This clan has five major houses:
– Avagigini
– Avakiranda
– Avanameza
– Avandanyi
– Avamahinga
Members of Avamenge can only marry from the uncle’s sides.
Note: Avamege and Avagihayo clans can marry from all other clans. Avagihayo were historically involved in killing monitor lizards (referred to as Zimburu in Kimaragoli) that were used to make Isikuti (Isigudi). Avagihayo originated from the Avadege house.
Clans That Can Marry Each Other:
– Ummavi can marry Umdidi.
– Umsali can marry Umutembeli.
– Ummuku can marry Umusali.
– Umuyonga can marry Umusaniaga.
– Ummavi can marry Ummuku.
– Ummavi can marry Umsanga.
– Ummigango can marry Umusali.
– Ummuku can marry Umugonda.
– Umusuva can marry Ummavi.
– Ummuruga can marry Ummavi.
– Ummasero can marry Ummigango.
– Ummasero can marry Ummasingira.
– Umkivembe can marry Umusalia.
– Umkivembe can marry Ummuku.
– Ummavi can marry Umuguga.
– Umkuvera can marry Ummavi.
– Umsaniaga can marry Umburuge.
– Umsanga can marry Umkizungu.
– Umkizungu can marry Umsuva.
– Umsuva can marry Umsaniaga.
– Umkizungu can marry Umusali.
– Umburuge can marry Ummuku.
– Umsaniaga can marry Ummavi.
– Umuyonga can marry Umusuva.
– Umukirima can marry Mukivembe.
– Umsaniaga can marry Mukivembe.
– Umsaniaga can marry Umukirima.
– Ummigango can marry Umusuva.
– Umusachi can marry Umsaniaga.
– Ummuku can marry Umukirima.
– Umutembeli can marry Mukizungu.
– Umuyonga can marry Umukirima.
– Ummuku can marry Ummasero.
– Umkivembe can marry Umuguga.
– Umusali can marry Umusalia.
– Umburuga can marry Umuruga.
I hope this information helps clarify the rules regarding clans and intermarriage within the Maragoli community.
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