
15 Signs You’ve Been Hacked—And How To Fight Back

Using another known good computer, immediately change all your other logon names and passwords.

2 years ago


Like most people, you spend a lot of time online. Between work, family, and other responsibilities, finding the time to…

2 years ago

CATASTROPHIC CONTAGION: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins & WHO Conduct Another Pandemic Simulation With Deadlier Virus That Targets Children

The fact that the same globalist organizations who conducted that exercise are also behind the Catastrophic Contagion simulation is both…

2 years ago

Happy Jamhuri Day

It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom…

2 years ago

Siberian permafrost. Could they infect people?

Researchers have isolated viable microbes from melting permafrost after tens of thousands of years. But don't worry; they infect only…

2 years ago

Scientist who worked with Wuhan lab Now Admit Covid was Man-Made Virus

In his latest book, “The Truth About Wuhan,” epidemiologist Huff claimed that the pandemic was caused by the US government’s…

2 years ago

Putin: Risk of Nuclear War “Rising”, Will Defend Russia With “All Available Means”

President Vladimir Putin, who vowed to use all military means to defend Russian territory, said Wednesday that Moscow would only…

2 years ago

The Bible is An African Story: Let’s Examine The Scriptures-Part 1

Did you know the Bible is the book of Africa and most of the personalities in it are Africans, even…

2 years ago

Layoff are Underway, CNN boss informs employees!

CNN boss notifies employees that layoffs are underway The media company has begun informing employees about Layoffs, with senior executives…

2 years ago

The Coming CBDC System-The End of Money as We Know It

The CBDC will be able to create a reliable profile of each individual based on their spending and saving habits.

2 years ago

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