
Biden Killing Regional Banks to Usher In CBDCs

As the world moves towards a more digitized future, governments and financial institutions are exploring the potential of digital currencies.…

2 years ago

The Current Global Financial Meltdown and What to Expect In the coming Days!

The global financial meltdown of 2008 was a pivotal moment in the history of the global economy. The crisis was…

2 years ago

“What Does the Bible Say About Perverted Generation?”

The Bible has a lot to say about the issue of perversion and its impact on society. In fact, throughout…

2 years ago

“Cloves: Aromatic Spice with Health Benefits”

Cloves are a popular spice that have been used for centuries for their distinct aroma and flavor. Not only are…

2 years ago

Pro-Family Is Under Attack

The concept of a pro-family culture has been under attack in recent years. Families, which have been the backbone of…

2 years ago

Controversy Surrounding The Origin of COVID-19-Dr. Li-Meng Yan

In recent months, there have been several reports claiming that the COVID-19 virus was deliberately released by China. The most…

2 years ago

“The Art of Mutual Submission in Marriage”

I saw this tweet yesterday on tweeter and as husband, I decided to follow on the responses, it would be…

2 years ago

They Are Targeting Our Children: Wake-Up Fathers!

Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. Therefore be careful how you walk, not…

2 years ago

Sex Is The Bonding Agent That God Designed For Marriage!

I received an e-mail from one of my subscriber's yesterday and this is what he said.: "Hi David, thank you…

2 years ago

Who Has Ever Challenged The Most High Successfully? Job’s Third Speech and Lesson

So, this week we started looking at the book of Job and what lessons we can learn from his trials.…

2 years ago

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