David Kedode

Parents Are The Single Greatest Influence on Children~Ariel Kalil

You cannot fall asleep on the wheel only to wake up one day and realize that your job has no…

4 years ago

Don’t Play GOD!

We've redefined everything and what chaos in this world in which we live.

4 years ago

God Created You For This Moment- This time.

The storms are coming and if you’re not built upon the rock greatly, you will fall with all these that…

4 years ago

We Either Reinvent The Wheel or Adopt a New Strategy Altogether.

The question, increasingly, is no longer whether we will return to normal after the pandemic, but whether we really want…

4 years ago

Celebrating The “Flattened Curve” Life Goes On!

There has been a lot of talks, conspiracies and theories on where our world is heading and most importantly POST-COVID…

4 years ago

Nothing Shall Separate Us From the Love of God

Nothing that occurs in this life has the power to separate a believer from the love of God.

4 years ago

When Its All Been Said & Done-The End

“And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and…

4 years ago

Revolution of Education During COVID-19 Pandemic and After

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from…

4 years ago

A Certified Social Worker Ready To Serve You

Social workers are concerned with the impact of COVID 19 on the well being of the people they provide their…

4 years ago

“Once more I will shake the Heavens and Earth. ”

“Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing…

4 years ago

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