David Kedode

Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?

Millions of Christians around the world believe in the doctrine called, “Once saved always saved.” They use bible verses such…

3 years ago

Warning: Emergency Radio Must Be at Home

This powerful radio lets you stay informed throughout any type of emergency.

3 years ago


NATO has been pumping Ukraine with state of the art weapons since 2014. Ukraine in turn has used these weapons…

3 years ago

My Child Wants To Be Baptized, What Should I Do?

Matthew 28:19, 19 Go [a]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the…

3 years ago

Its A Trap Do Not Be Deceived, Important Warning Ahead

We may have tribulations but be of good cheer, Jesus overcame the world and he warned the tribulations of those…

3 years ago

Why are Schools Vaccinating Students Without Parental Consent?

the Ministry of Health has been going round public schools and vaccinating kids from the age of 10 (girls) against…

3 years ago

Is This Sex Education or Sexual Pervasion?

“the moment you masturbate, you release some energy-life energy.”

3 years ago

How The Bible Can Teach Us About Preparedness

Noah didn’t wait until it started to rain before he began to build the ark.

3 years ago

How Trustworthy Is Your NIV Bible?

The Word of God is pure. Man may pervert and corrupt it, but Yahshua or Jesus Christ, Himself said, “Heaven…

3 years ago

What Will Come First, Rapture or Tribulation?

The devil has two modes of attack against the church of God: as a serpent, he is a deceiver, and…

3 years ago

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