David Kedode

The Twelve Months of The Year in Maragoli

Maragoli people have names for the months in their language. As you'll see, these names often correspond with the seasons…

2 months ago

Clans that can’t intermarry(Maragoli)

Avagihayo were historically involved in killing monitor lizards (referred to as Zimburu in Kimaragoli) that were used to make Isikuti…

2 months ago

While in the “Desert,” Keep Your Faith

God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man that he should change his mind. Has…

2 months ago

Gen Z Movement: The True Spark of Revival

True revival in Kenya is not yet here, but the Gen Z revolution signals a divine move. Are we ready…

2 months ago

A Story of Faith, Favoritism, and Forgiveness

Explore the story of Rebecca, her strengths & weaknesses, & discover key lessons on handling favoritism, the power of prayer,…

3 months ago

Kenya Police Enforcing Authoritarian Agenda

Excessive force by Kenya Police, live ammunition, and abductions highlight the regime's crackdown on protests against oppressive taxation and corruption.

3 months ago

Divine Rescue in Times of Despair

In moments of despair, seek God's counsel. As He guided David in 1 Samuel 30, He can guide you to…

3 months ago

The Power of Prophesying to Your Dry Bones

Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the…

3 months ago

Like King Ahab, Ruto’s Fall Is Near

We must pray for our Jehus and Micaiahs—our Gen-Zs. Let us continue advocating for righteousness through good governance and justice.

3 months ago

For How Long Will It Last?

Job’s story reminds us that God’s plans cannot be stopped. He is sovereign over all things. No matter what you…

4 months ago

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