Monthly Archives: August 2024

The Twelve Months of The Year in Maragoli

Maragoli people have names for the months in their language. As you’ll see, these names often correspond with the seasons and natural events of the year.

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Clans that can’t intermarry(Maragoli)

Avagihayo were historically involved in killing monitor lizards (referred to as Zimburu in Kimaragoli) that were used to make Isikuti (Isigudi).

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While in the “Desert,” Keep Your Faith

God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man that he should change his mind. Has he said & will he not do it? Or has he spoken, & will he not fulfill it?

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Gen Z Movement: The True Spark of Revival

True revival in Kenya is not yet here, but the Gen Z revolution signals a divine move. Are we ready for the Most High’s cleansing? 

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A Story of Faith, Favoritism, and Forgiveness

Explore the story of Rebecca, her strengths & weaknesses, & discover key lessons on handling favoritism, the power of prayer, and the importance of forgiveness.

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Kenya Police Enforcing Authoritarian Agenda

Excessive force by Kenya Police, live ammunition, and abductions highlight the regime’s crackdown on protests against oppressive taxation and corruption.

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